Xometry-Supported Fab Lab Makes 3D Printing Educational and Fun
In celebration of Manufacturing Day, Xometry’s own Joel Schadegg helped facilitate a learning session at a local Maryland nonprofit called KID Museum, showcasing the power of 3D printing to build creative ideas.

Creativity fuels every side of Xometry’s AI-powered marketplace, from the creative engineers, designers, and hobbyists that use our platform to bring their big ideas to life to the ingenious operators and machinists who help build them. We know that the future of manufacturing will be built on the expertise and knowledge of our young people, and we want to do our part to invest in the next generation of engineers. We were excited to give back to our community this last Manufacturing Day by partnering with a local nonprofit in Bethesda, Maryland called the KID Museum.

In celebration of Manufacturing Day, Xometry’s own Joel Schadeg gave a presentation on the power of 3D printing. 3D printing is an incredibly flexible and versatile manufacturing method, helping everyone from hobbyists to professional engineers bring their big ideas to life layer-by-layer. This presentation, was hosted in the Xometry-sponsored “Fab Lab”, and showcased the basics of 3D printing and taught students how to set up a CAD file to build their designs.

After wrapping up their designs, Joel continued the presentation by showing students the industrial applications of 3d printing. The students learned about the power of industrial-sized 3D printers like the ones used at Xometry, and their ability to create thousands of parts quickly. In addition, he also touched on the different ways students can obtain a 3D model for printing, and how Xometry uses slicing software to turn a digital design into a printed part. Finally, he wrapped up by showcasing real-world examples of Xometry 3D printed parts in action, from assistive devices used by our non-profit partner Blue Heart Hero to the 3D printed battery housing used in Xomerty-sponsored BattleBot HyperShock.
Xometry is where big ideas and built and creativity is nurtured. We want to give a big “thank you” to the KID’s Museum for partnering with us and giving us a platform to showcase additive design and encourage the next generation of engineers. If you want to learn more about 3D printing, we encourage you to sign up for our free E- Course Principles of 3D Printing: Design for Industrial Engineers.