How does prolonged exposure to intense UV light impact 3D-printed plastics? Will they fade? In this "Will it..." video, Greg Paulsen, Xometry's Director of Application Engineering, 3D printed samples using various additive processes, including FDM, SLS, SLA, PolyJet, DLS, and LSPc, to determine their UV fade resistance.
Watch the video to find out which 3D-printed plastic held up the best after facing extreme UV exposure!

More About This Test
For this video, we used these 3D printable polypanels as our test subject. Here is a list of the processes and materials that were tested:
Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM)
- ABS-M30
- Polycarbonate
- ULTEM 1010
- ULTEM 9085
Selective Laser Sintering (SLS)
- Nylon 12 Standard
- Nylon 12 Dyed (various colors)
- Nylon 12 Vapor Smoothed and Dyed Black
- Polypropylene
- Nylon 12 Standard
- Nylon 12 Dyed Black
- Accura ABS Black
- Accura ClearVue (standard and quick-clear finish)
- Somos EvoLVe 128
- Accura Xtreme White 200
- Accura 60
- Somos WaterShed XC 11122
- Somos WaterClear Ultra 10122
Lubricant Sublayer Photo-curing (LSPc)
- xMODEL17
- xCERAMIC3280
- UMA 90 White
- RPU 70 Black
- Rigid Clear (VeroClear)
- Rigid Multi-Color (Full-color Texture)
- Multi-Material
The UV Test Chamber
To perform our UV resistance test, we designed and built a customized chamber to house a powerful UV-C light designed to purify air in HVAC systems. We utilized our Sheet Cutting service to cut the chamber panels from mirrored polycarbonate. To ensure even exposure across the parts, the assembled 3D-printed parts were placed on a turn table inside the chamber.

Part Photo Gallery
In the image gallery below, you'll find a few photos of the poly panels we printed for the test. These photos are BEFORE the experiment. If you want to see how they turned out after the test, be sure to check out the video!

Faded 3D Printed Parts

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- Will It Erode? - Abrasion Resistance Test