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ResourcesMaterialsAll About Longitudinal Stress

All About Longitudinal Stress

picture of Kat de Naoum
Written by
 4 min read
Published October 13, 2023
Updated January 28, 2025

A must-know when it comes to material selection

Stretched steel cable. Image Credit: Oleksiy

If you’ve studied engineering and/or materials science, or work in any related sectors, you’ll likely know all about longitudinal stress — but this isn’t a tidbit that’s typically in the average person’s general knowledge arsenal. It is, however, something you should know about if you’re in the process of finding the right material for your manufacturing needs. This article will explain what it is, how it works, and how to calculate it in any material.

What is Longitudinal Stress?

Also known as axial stress, longitudinal stress is the internal stress that materials suffer when force is applied along their length (the longitudinal axis) causing an increase or decrease in the length and sometimes changing the diameter depending on how elastic the material is. So why is knowing a material's longitudinal stress important? Well, it helps predict its behavior, such as whether and when it will deform or change in its intended application — particularly necessary for buildings, bridges, and machinery that are safe and durable. It’s also a good way for manufacturers to meet strict safety and performance standards. There are two types of stress, tensile and compressive, shown in the below image.

Tensile vs. compressive stress diagram
Tensile vs. compressive stress diagram

As you can see, these act in opposite directions. Tensile stress (pulling) stretches or pulls along the material’s length, increasing both its length and internal tension. Compressive stress (pushing) happens when a material’s length is squashed, reducing its length and internal compression. 

How to Calculate it

There’s a simple formula to calculate longitudinal stress, as follows:

σ = F / A


σ = longitudinal stress (Pa or N/m²)

F = force applied along the length of the material (N)

A = cross-sectional area of the material perpendicular to the applied force (m²)

You begin by measuring the cross-sectional area of the material perpendicular to its length before any load is applied to it—if this is circular, you’d measure its radius and use that to find the area in square meters, but you could also measure it directly. Next, you have to work out the force that’s being applied along the material’s length, which will typically be in newtons. Once you have both the area and the force, divide the applied force by the cross-sectional area. The last step is interpreting the stress based on the direction of the force — as a reminder, it’s tensile if the force pulls and stretches the material, and compressive if it pushes and compresses.

"For parts that will incur longitudinal stress, design engineers should consider specifying the grain direction of the material on their engineering drawing. Custom manufactured parts made with tooled processes like stamping, forging, extrusion, and rolling, which are also the processes used to make the raw material available for CNC machining and sheet metal fabrication, cause grains in the metal to align in a particular direction. This grain alignment impacts the mechanical properties of the material, and metal parts with grains aligned parallel to the direction of stress will generally perform better and have lower risk of failure."
Shane Felton,
Senior Manager, Solutions Engineering

Longitudinal Stress vs. Other Stresses

There are several types of mechanical stress that will affect materials in different ways. The below table gives a brief rundown of some of the common types so that you can see how these differ in relation to longitudinal stress which is the first entry.

Type of StressWhat It IsWhat’s AffectedApplications
Type of Stress
What It Is
Force per unit area acting along the length of an object
What’s Affected
Length of an object (e.g., cables)
Bridges, tension in ropes or beams
Type of Stress
What It Is
Stress perpendicular to a surface
What’s Affected
Surface area of a material
Foundations, pressure vessels, buildings
Type of Stress
What It Is
Stress acting tangentially around a curved surface (hoop stress)
What’s Affected
Curved structures (e.g., cylinders)
Pressure vessels, pipelines
Type of Stress
What It Is
Stress parallel to a surface, causing layers to slide against each other
What’s Affected
Internal planes within materials
Rivets, bolts, cutting tools
Type of Stress
What It Is
Stress from a pulling force that elongates an object
What’s Affected
Length and structural integrity
Testing material strength, load-bearing
Type of Stress
Volumetric (bulk)
What It Is
Stress applied uniformly in all directions, causing a change in volume
What’s Affected
Volume of an object
Hydraulic systems, pressure vessels, deep-sea structures
Type of Stress
What It Is
Stress due to forces causing an object to bend
What’s Affected
Cross-section of beams or rods
Beams in construction, cantilevers
Type of Stress
What It Is
Stress caused by twisting forces (torques) around an axis
What’s Affected
Axial rotation of shafts or rods
Drive shafts, turbines, screw propellers
Type of Stress
What It Is
Stress due to repeated loading and unloading cycles over time
What’s Affected
Material endurance over cycles
Aircraft wings, bridges, rotating machinery

Longitudinal Stress vs. Other Stresses

As you can see, longitudinal stress is distinct from the other types due to the direction of applied forces and the specific deformations it induces in materials. 

FAQs on Longitudinal Stress

Here are some of the common questions we get asked about this important measurement.

How does longitudinal stress affect material quality?

If the stress that a material is put under is more than what it can handle (more than its yield strength), it’s likely that you’ll get permanent deformation, i.e., cracks or fractures that greatly reduce the quality, reliability, and service life. At the very least, it will increase the need for more frequent maintenance or replacement. So, in answer, it directly impacts the material’s structural integrity and dimensional stability.

Does it occur in steel?

Yes, steel frequently experiences longitudinal stress. It’s a material used widely in engineering and structural applications, mechanical components, and machinery, so many steel parts are subjected to stretching and compressive forces. In construction, designing steel-framed structures, including buildings and bridges, requires careful analysis of longitudinal stress to know how the material will react under various loading conditions.

Does it occur in titanium?

Titanium is also affected by this type of stress, and the severity will depend on the specific application and the type of forces involved. For instance, titanium components in space and aircraft will get it from gravity and aerodynamic loads, which only increase during high-speed maneuvers, turbulence, and hard landings. In medicine, titanium implants used in bone and joint replacement regularly experience longitudinal stresses as they bear weight and accommodate movement. Understanding these stresses is crucial to optimizing the design and performance of titanium components in such demanding applications.

How Xometry Can Help

For additional information about longitudinal stress and its applications, contact an Xometry representative. We also provide a wide range of manufacturing capabilities and other value-added services for all of your prototyping and production needs. Visit our website to learn more or to request a free, no-obligation quote.


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picture of Kat de Naoum
Kat de Naoum
Kat de Naoum is a writer, author, editor, and content specialist from the UK with 20+ years of writing experience. Kat has experience writing for a variety of manufacturing and technical organizations and loves the world of engineering. Alongside writing, Kat was a paralegal for almost 10 years, seven of which were in ship finance. She has written for many publications, both print and online. Kat has a BA in English literature and philosophy, and an MA in creative writing from Kingston University.

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